Tuesday, 24 May 2011

draft stuff for assignment III

Everything that follows is part of my draft for assignment III.

 One point perspectives:

 Two point perspectives


With the linear textures, I was trying to make ones that would tesselate and become textures for my cityscape buildings. So they might not look great as 6x6 images, but applied as textures I think they look pretty good.
As far as my bridge goes, very little work has gone into that so far, because of issues with the cryengine, but that's fixed now thanks to Russell, so I should be getting that all done soon.
I have however figured out exactly what I want to do with it all though. For Jonathon Ives' side of my bridge, I want it to be very futuristic and panelled. Somewhat like a spaceship. It'll be all white, with black joins, and the panels will be moving parts that make up the bridge. This mimics his work for apple, which produced some very techinical things, way ahead of it's time. The white panelling also reflects the trademark white image of apple products.
Something like this stuff:

Lady Gaga is my other client, and for her side I want to make something reminiscent of Superman's Fortress of Solitude. That might sound kind of stupid but there are reasons behind it. Firstly, this image is pretty much what I'm basing it off. 
I think this sort of imagery works well for her, in a really abstract way. It reflects the explosiveness of her career and popularity, as well as the environmentally friendly image she has (Re: meat dress). It dominates the surroundings, and carries a power that can't be ignored, even if you want to (yes, that was a musical taste quip). Anyway, back to the bridge stuff. Her her side, I want to rig the different crystal spikes to rise up out of the water as the player moves closer to them, so it creates a walkway as you walk across the void. Everything will be semi-transperant, so the light will play a big part in this section of the bridge. Shining through everything and casting shadows.

My draft environment can be seen in the post below this one.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Exp 3 - Week 1 - valleys and news mashup

Valley inspiration:

For my valley, I wanted to get away from the preconscribed notion of a natural valley, and found a post on the discussion boards about using a cityscape as a type of "urban" valley. I loved this idea, and decided to use this for the basis of my experiment three landscape.  Therefore my bridge will span across a void, most likely a river, between two opposing sides of a skyscraping city.


Valley draft insandbox 2:

News article mashup:
Lady Gaga
Jonathon Ive

Often overlooked, he has been called the man behind the curtainRecently gaining leverage as a mentor to many. His controversial approach to life, over the top styles and eccentric attitude have earned what some call a golden ticket through life. A proven track record has in effect, become synonymous with innovation and industry leading product development. This power and influence is seen to surely teach the people how to be themselves, reach for their goals, and not allow others to break down their dreams. I for one could not imagine anyone elseto show us what’s new and exciting. For many, his work and words have allowed them to seek out and have their lifes wish granted.



Sunday, 1 May 2011

Exp 2 - Week 3 - Final crysis wars model and 36 custom light to dark textures.

36 custom textures - light to dark.

 The three textures I used in my final model are:

Final Crysis Wars Model:
Electroliquid Aggregation:
"If communication with crazy people can heal them, in that interaction we might take on some of their craziness."

For the areas that weren't textured with custome images, I chose to keep the rest a white colour to give the structure a very sterile feel, as if it were a doctor's office or a science lab. It remains bare so the occupants are able to bare themselves. (I actually made it a  very light grey, but cryengine doesn't pick that out very much)

 Here we can see Freud's workspace. The space uses the idea of communication to derive it's shape. This area has multiple transitions between zones. The lowest box is submerged in the water, giving access to the pool area. A hole in the ground links this space with that of the submerged world, while the steps to the side lead to the higher areas. The highest accessible area in Freud's workspace leads to the base of the spiral staircase, which allows this space to communicate with the one above.

 The spiral stair leads upward to Newton's workspace. Wherever you are in structure, the constant sight and sound of the waterfall reinforces Newton's law that "what goes up must come down".

  Newton's workspace contains two distinct levels. The higher of the two, where the spiral ends, has a perfect vantage point onto the balcony of the level below where he could test his rules of physics regarding gravity.

The textures I used are placed so they reflect the electroliquid aggregation. They are used in a light to dark order, but with dark at the top, which seems to contradict Newton's ideas on gravity, where the heavier should be falling. This creates a chaos, or craziness, that the structure resolves through its communicating areas.
 This video demonstrates a walkthrough of the structure. It's unfortunately in a very low quality. Initially the videos were in high definition, but needed to be joined, and the only way I could do that was with freeware I found, which dramatically lowered the quality.

Crysis Wars level and objects folder uploaded to gamefront:

Sketchup file uploaded to gamefront (3d warehouse didn't like the file)

Exp 2 - Week 2 - Parallel Projections and Electroliquid Aggregation

Sketch 1:
"The best way to fix a crazy person is through communication"
"What goes up must come down"
Electroliquid Aggregation:
"In talking to crazy people to help them, we might take on some of their craziness ourselves."

Sketch 2:
"Existance of gravity proves that there's not any two things that do not relate to each other."

"Too much attention leads to delusions of grandiosity."
Electroliquid Aggregation:
"The concept of gravity shows us that there are no two things that don't relate in at least one way, even concepts such as lots of attention leading to delusions of grandiosity."

Sketch 3:
"The curve may be too complicated to explain verbally."
"A non-conformist in public life is a conformist in private life."
Electroliquid Aggregation:
"Someone who follows the curve in the open will secretly move against it when on their own."

Sketchup - Parallel Projection 1
"In talking to crazy people to help them, we might take on some of their craziness ourselves."
 Crysis wars:

Exp 2 - Week 1 - axonometrics and hypothese'


Isaac Newton

1. If you punch someone, even if the guy you punch doesnt feel pain, you will feel it anyway!
2. If Earth never existed, then gravity cannot be proven
3. Concentration on education reduces social conduct
4. Existance of gravity proves that there's not any two things that do not relate to each other.
5. What goes up must come down

Sigmund Freud

1. The best way to fix a crazy person is through communication
2. Everything anyone does is driven in some way by a subconscious sexual disire
3. Too much attention leads to delusions of grandiosity
4. Ironic enough that he is a psychoanalysis, but he couldn't even quit smoking himself.
5. Freud didn't believe everything was related to sex, but rather that conditions develop during specific periods in a child's life where those things are big. Eg mother complex develops during breastfeeding.

Maria Gaetana

1. The curve may be too complicated to explain verbally.
2. Multi-lingual people are intelligent.
3. If Maria Agnesi was not born a Roman Catholic, then Pope Benedict XIV would not have seriously considered her to be a candidate for the University of Bologna
4. People who know more than one language talk more often.
5. A non-conformist in public life is a conformist in private life


Sketch 1: The curve may be too complicated to explain verbally.

Sketch 2:  A non-conformist in public life is a conformist in private life

Sketch 3: Existance of gravity proves that there's not any two things that do not relate to each other.

Sketch 4:  Too much attention leads to delusions of grandiosity

Sketch 5: The best way to fix a crazy person is through communication
Sketch 6: What goes up must come down.
Google Sketchup model:

Crysis Wars models and environment: